Saint-Louis University - Bruxelles

COMU1316 - Issues and practices of journalism

Credits : 5

Lecturer :
Teaching assistant :
Mode of delivery :
Face-to-face , first term, 30 hours of theory and 15 hours of exercises.

Timetable :
First term
Wednesday from 13:30 to 15:30 at 119 Marais 3300

Language of instruction :

Learning outcomes :
The course aims to :
1) To bring the students to apprehend as well on a reflexive mode as practises the various facets of the journalistic environment (its actors, its structures, its logics, its practices...).
2) To familiarize students with some major conceptual and theoretical frameworks for analyzing journalism practices.
3) To sharpen the students' critical sense of the logics and processes of journalistic information production, of the evolution of the media landscape within which journalistic information is likely to develop, and of the constraints specific to the socio-economic context that currently weigh on this information.
4) To highlight the requirements of the journalistic approach in relation to the choice of information, its treatment, the search for sources and the rules of ethics.
5) To introduce students to journalistic writing practices, experiment with different techniques specific to written journalism (at work in the written press, but also at the basis of any audiovisual or multimedia production) and different journalistic genres.

Prerequisites :
For the Bachelor in Information and Communication :

For the Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Letters : General :

For the Bachelor in Political Sciences: General :

For the Bachelor in Sociology and Anthropology :

Co-requisites :

Course contents :
The course “Issues and practices of journalism” address the following themes, objects or issues :
- the journalistic profession (professional status, professional identities, working conditions, changes in the profession, etc.);
- the production of information (the role of news agencies, the hierarchy of information, framing, staging...)..;
- editorial practices and journalistic writing (its genres, codes...) ;
- the relationship to sources (or information in the face of communication);
- the rights and duties of journalists, the ethical and professional aspects of journalism;
- some current journalism issues: the transformation of relations with the public, the question of diversity, the question of objectivity (bias, partiality, neutrality), the new genres or formats of journalism (e.g. narrative journalism, comic journalism, transmedia journalism)...

Planned learning activities and teaching methods :
Description of the lecture course (30h) :
The main objective of the lecture course is to familiarize students with some of the major conceptual and theoretical frameworks for analyzing journalism practices, as well as to provide benchmarks on the journalistic environment and sharpen students' critical thinking skills. The teacher's presentations are accompanied by a visual aid (available on Moodle) and a syllabus which will be made available for reprography as well as on Moodle.
In order to deepen certain themes (journalistic ethics for example) while giving them a more concrete consistency, the teacher calls on external interventions: speakers from the journalistic profession who will share their experience and reflections around the theme and who will exchange with students, parts of documentaries, videos, press articles, concrete cases from regulatory authorities, etc..
They will also have to inquire about current events throughout the course, i.e. a quadrimester, in order to be able to prepare a short presentation dealing with a fact covered in the news media (Belgian, European and international information). This presentation will be noted (see below).
Description of the exercises (15h) :
Attendance at exercise sessions is mandatory and will be subject to an attendance requirement.
The EU exercises part takes the form of practical journalistic writing assignments.
During the 15 hours of classroom exercises, students will experiment with different writing techniques specific to the written press and related journalistic genres. Through in-session group analysis and practical exercises (inside and outside the sessions), students will practice researching information and using sources, determining the choice of a specific topic and angle, choosing the appropriate journalistic genre for the information processing chosen, and writing several articles according to the specific codes of journalistic writing.
Finally, the drafting of an end-of-seminar editorial file on a topical issue will be done alone or in pairs, outside the sessions and presented orally during the session.

Assessment methods and criteria :
The evaluation has three components:
1) a presentation, in class, of a fact covered in the press: 10% of the overall mark ;
2) a written examination, in session, on all the material seen in the lectures: 40% of the overall mark ;
3) the writing of articles and participation during exercise sessions (20%) and the production of an editorial file (30%): 50% of the overall mark.
The writing exercises and articles will be handed in during the exercise sessions and the editorial file will be handed in by Monday 3 December 2018 at the latest (a paper copy in the ESPO secretariat's work box and an electronic copy posted in the required section on Moodle). This editorial file must also, by the same date, be submitted to the plagiarism detector (see instructions and link on Moodle). Any plagiarism will be severely punished.
As provided for in the implementing provisions of the General Regulations for Studies and Examinations for the ESPO Faculty (Article 5.2), unjustified absence from more than two sessions and/or unjustified failure to submit any genuine written work within the prescribed time limit may result in a mark of 0/20 being awarded to the final examination.

Recommended or required reading :
- Agnès, Y., Manuel de journalisme. Ecrire pour le journal, Editions La Découverte, Coll. Grands repères, 2006.
- Estienne, Y., Le journalisme après Internet, L'Harmattan, 2007.
- Grevisse, B., Écritures journalistiques. Stratégies rédactionnelles, multimédia et journalisme narratif, Éditions De Boeck, 2008.
- Grevisse, B., Déontologie du journalisme : enjeux éthiques et identités professionnelles, Editions De Boeck, 2016.
- Neveu, E., Sociologie du journalisme, La Découverte, 2006.
- Scherer, E., A-t-on encore besoin des journalistes? Manifeste pour un journalisme augmenté, PUF, 2012.

Other information :
Presence, first quadrimester, 30 hours of theory and 15 hours of exercises.