Saint-Louis University - Bruxelles

HIST1216 - History of Antiquity I

Credits : 3

Lecturer :
Mode of delivery :
Face-to-face , second term, 30 hours of theory.

Timetable :
Second term
Monday from 08:30 to 10:30 at 109 Marais 101

Language of instruction :
The course is given in French

Learning outcomes :
This course aims at a deepening of the knowledge of Ancient History for the students, but also at an awareness of the variety of sources allowing to reach this knowledge, an acquaintance of the diverse civilizations that lived in the Mediterranean region and a better perception of the complex evolutions that happened in the ancient world.

Prerequisites :
For the Bachelor in History :

For the Bachelor in Information and Communication :

For the Bachelor in French and Romance Languages and Letters : General :

For the Bachelor in Modern Languages and Letters: German, Dutch and English :

For the Bachelor in Philosophy :

For the Bachelor in Economics and Management :

For the Bachelor in Political Sciences: General :

For the Bachelor in Sociology and Anthropology :

Co-requisites :

Course contents :
The course will recount the history of the Mediterranean region in ancient times before Rome imposes its authority on the Mare Nostrum and becomes an empire. The focus will be put on Greek and Roman civilizations, which experimented and generalized at a moment of their history the model of the city state, but we shall also examine the history of other peoples like those of pre-Roman Italy or Carthage, who also developed a political organization influenced by the civic model, with however their own peculiarities. The course is divided into three parts, each representing a stage of the evolution of the city state, following a chronological progress. Inside each part, a transverse approach of civilizations will be favoured, to give a perspective on the interconnections that existed within the ancient Mediterranean Sea. Beyond the institutional and political history, a significant space will be given to the social history, the practices of everyday life and the history of arts and literature.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods :
Lecture with illustrations and readings. Questions from students are always welcome.

Assessment methods and criteria :
Oral examination with preparation time.

Recommended or required reading :
SReference manuals:
- Orrieux (Cl.) & Schmitt Pantel (P.), Histoire grecque, Paris, PUF, 1995 [3e édition : 2016, 2e tirage : 2017] (Quadrige. Manuels)
- M. Le Glay (M.), Le Bohec (Y.), Voisin (J.-L.), Histoire romaine, Paris, PUF, 1991 [3e édition : 2016] (Quadrige. Manuels)

To go further:
- Baurain (C.), Les Grecs et la Méditerranée orientale : des siècles obscurs à la fin de l'époque archaïque, Paris, 1997.
- Briant (P.), Lévêque (P.) (éd.), Le monde grec aux temps classiques. 1 : Le Ve siècle, Paris, 1995.
- Dridi (H.), Carthage et le monde punique, Paris, 2009.
- Heurgon (J.), Rome et la Méditerranée occidentale jusqu'aux guerres puniques, Paris, 1969.
- Nicolet (C.), Rome et la conquête du monde méditerranéen 264-27 avant J.-C. 1 : Les structures de l'Italie romaine, Paris, 1977.
- Préaux (C.), Le monde hellénistique : la Grèce et l'Orient de la mort d'Alexandre à la conquête romaine de la Grèce 323-146 av. J.-C., Paris, 1978.
- Treuil (R.) e.a., Les civilisations égéennes du néolithique et de l'âge du bronze, Paris, 1989.