Saint-Louis University - Bruxelles

MHCG1161 - Philosophy and visual language


Credits : 5

Lecturers :
Mode of delivery :
Face-to-face , first term, 60 hours of theory.

Timetable :
First term
Friday from 08:00 to 10:00 at 43 Botanique 3

Language of instruction :

Learning outcomes :
Philosophy :
Introduction to philosophical questioning
Acquiring a basic philosophical culture
Read and analyse philosophical texts in a critical and qualified way

Visual language :
- Acquiring a large general culture
- Understanding the specificity of European culture through the ages,in parallel to other ways of representing the reality/abstract (compared with muslim/oriental ways of representation)
- Beeing able to « read » and understand visual art,and replacing it in its cultural context (objective analysis)

Prerequisites :

Co-requisites :

Course contents :
Philosophy :
Dialog between the european and the chinese philosophy

Visual language :
Art history with a multicultural approach

Planned learning activities and teaching methods :
Philosophy :
Face-to-face, first term, 30 hours of theory. The reading of the texts to be analysed is recommanded.
Visual language :
Idem. Analysis exercises during some courses

Assessment methods and criteria :
Philosophy :
Written and/or oral examination

Visual Language :
Written exam : theory (reflexion) + analysis exercise

In case of a fail grade, you're invited to visit the MOODLE page of the course and check the details. A 10/20 or higher mark will automatically be transferred to the second or third exam session. It's thus not possible to re-sit the exam related to this part of the course.

Remote online exam if stricter social distancing measures are required due to Covid-19.

Recommended or required reading :
• Monique Canto-Sperber, Philosophie grecque, PUF, 1998.
• Gilbert Hottois, De la Renaissance à la Postmodernité. Une histoire de la philosophie moderne et contemporaine, De Boeck, 2002.
• Anne Cheng, Histoire de la pensée chinoise, Seuil, 1997.
• François Jullien , Le détour et l'accès. Stratégies du sens en Chine en Grèce, Grasset, livre de poche, 1995.

Langage Visuel :
Bibliography :
• P. FRIDE R.CARRASSAT et Isabelle MARCADE, Comprendre et reconnaître les mouvements dans la peinture, Bordas, Paris 1993
• Ernst. GOMBRICH, Histoire de l'Art, Phaidon, 2001
• Nadeije LANEYRIE-DAGEN, Lire la peinture, Tome 1. Dans l'intimité des œuvres, Larousse, 2002