Saint-Louis University - Bruxelles

COMU2106 - Interactive and collaborative communication strategies

Institut Supérieur de Formation Sociale et de la Communication

Credits : 5

Lecturer :
Mode of delivery :
Face-to-face , first term, 30 hours of theory.

Language of instruction :

Learning outcomes :
Competence 1 - Managing an organisation's presence on social and collaborative media
Learning outcomes
1. To analyse in a prospective way the interactive and collaborative communication of an organisation, its sector of activity and its social, cultural, technological, economic, political and legal context.
2. Define the objectives and the interactive and collaborative communication strategy of an organisation in relation to its global communication.
3. 3. Design and implement interactive and collaborative communication systems and actions integrating the human, financial, material and legal resources and constraints of an organisation.
4. Design and implement procedures for evaluating these communication systems and actions, interpret the evaluation data with discernment and take appropriate corrective measures.

Competence 3 - Mobilising the management, staff and partners of an organisation around interactive and collaborative communication projects
Learning outcomes
1. Advising the decision-making bodies of an organisation on matters relating to interactive and collaborative communication (communication objectives and strategies, crisis resolution situations, socio-digital transformations of the organisation, etc.). 2. Communicating, justifying and defending an interactive and collaborative communication project (particularly to decision-making bodies) from its inception to final reporting, in a clear, coherent and structured manner, both in writing and orally, and respecting the requirements of communication in the organisation.

Prerequisites :

Co-requisites :
For the Master in Communication strategy and digital culture :

Course contents :
The EU addresses the persuasive communication, corporate communication, internal communication and crisis communication strategies of market and non-market organisations (including citizen mobilisations) and the ways in which they interrelate.
It trains the student to set up and manage an existence on different social and collaborative media. The EU focuses on the place of interactive tools in a transmedia or cross-media communication plan. It focuses on the selection criteria leading to a coherent and efficient transmedia or cross-media mix, taking into consideration: - the different interactive media: intranet, extranet, mobiles, tablets, connected objects... The Internet user is no longer a fixed target behind his computer. - the panoply of social and collaborative media: sites, blogs, instant messaging, videoconferencing, digital social networks, sharing platforms... - the various techniques for optimising communication: SMO (Social Media Optimization), SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEA (Search Engine Advertising), storytelling, sharing, virality, personalisation of content according to geolocation...

In addition to ex cathedra sessions, the EU provides for moments of collective analysis of concrete cases brought by the teacher. The EU will include as a modality of evaluation (without excluding other forms of evaluation) the formulation of strategic recommendations and a communication plan.

Lesson plan :

1. Introduction and definition of the course scope
- Course issues: presentation, course outline and modes of evaluation
- Strategic paradigm shift: end of homeostasis evolution

2. Introduction to disruption phenomena
- Analysis of sectors in the process of disruption
- Digital transformations and change management
- Strategic implications in interactive communication

3. Ecosystem modelling
- Definition and principle of action
- The Golden Circle
- Ecosystem of the brand: its DNA

4. The end of mass marketing
- From empathy to consideration
- From knowledge to algorithms (through expertise)

5. Sectoral archetypes and customer path monitoring. Strategic point of view.
- Sectoral archetypes and competitive intensity
- Archetypes related to reputation and experience

6. Collaborative content strategy: an illusory cohabitation
- Integration of collaborative logic in a digital communication plan
- Specificities of digital content and reverse asymmetry of interactive and collaborative content flows

7. Media strategy in a marketing context 4.0.
- Omni channel media strategies
- Collaborative and participatory communication strategy
- Efficiency measurements, SEM, Paid search (SEO, SEA, SMO, RTB, ...), optimisation and targeting.

8. Data strategy and monitoring of data from interactive communication
- Digital particularity (instantaneity and adaptive flexibility)
- Management of statistical tools (qualitative, quantitative and behavioural measurement)

9. Monitoring of student projects
- Follow-up(s) of the progress of personal work
- Case analysis and strategic vision: presentation and correction during the course.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods :
In addition to ex cathedra sessions, the EU provides for moments of collective analysis of concrete cases brought by the teacher. The EU will include as a modality of evaluation (without excluding other forms of evaluation) the formulation of strategic recommendations and a communication plan.

Assessment methods and criteria :
A. Evaluation for the first session

- Individual written work that will be graded according to a set of criteria such as: compliance with initial instructions, quality of form, briefing, benchmark, definition of the target, etc. (details of course 1).
- The mark will be confirmed upwards or downwards on the basis of the oral defence of the written work (ability to answer questions on specific points from the different assessment criteria) with a maximum of 5 points upwards or downwards.
- Timeline
• Date: S1 examination session. Precise date to be agreed
• Where: presentation to the USLB in person according to the evolution of the Covid period.
• In the event that attendance is not possible for health reasons (Covid), the oral examination will be conducted remotely via the Microsoft Teams platform (Ecosytemic Team).

B. Evaluation for the second session

- In the event of failure of the final grade due to the oral defence, the student must present an oral defence and may submit a new assignment.
- For all other situations, the student must represent both the written and the spoken word.
- Timeline
• Date: S1 examination session. Precise date to be agreed
• Where: presentation to the USLB in person according to the evolution of the Covid period.
• In the event that attendance is not possible for health reasons (Covid), the oral examination will be conducted remotely via the Microsoft Teams platform (Ecosytemic Team).

C. Criteria for success

- Qualitative criteria
• To evaluate the ability to integrate and put into practice the different concepts seen during the courses as well as the ability to analyse a situation in order to set up a coherent, measurable and evolving action plan.

- Quantitative criteria :
• Oral examination: 10/20 being the minimum mark required to validate the student's success in this examination on the basis of the written work submitted by the student for the oral defence.
• The quality of an article written by the student may constitute a bonus of maximum 1 point added to the oral mark.

Recommended or required reading :
A. Focused on the tool and the digital field

1. Dru J.-M. (1997). Disruption. Paris. Village mondial Editions.
2. Daniel Bougnoux (2001). Introduction aux sciences de la communication. The Discovery
3. Sun Tzu. (2008). The Art of War. Paris. Flammarion Editions.
4. Sinek, S. (2009). Start with the why. Quebec. Performance Editions.
5. Dominique Wolton (2009). To inform is not to communicate. Paris. Editions CNRS
6. Pisani F.- Piotet D. (2011) How the Web is changing the world. Paris. Pearson Editions.
7. Deschamps C. - Moinet N. (2011). Economic intelligence. Paris. Dunod Editions.
8. Sillard B. (2011). Masters or slaves of the digital? French. Eyrolles Editions.
9. Jamet, T (2012). Mythological ren@issance: Imagination and myths in the digital age. Paris. François Bourin Publisher
10. Jarvis J. (2012). The Google method. Paris. Pocket Editions.
11. Lewi G. (2012). The new Bovary. Paris. Pearson Editions.
12. Eloi L. (2012). Economics of confidence. Paris. La Découverte Editions.
13. Gilles Babinet (2016). Digital transformation. Le Passeur Editeur.
14. Dr Laurent Alexandre (2017). The War of Intelligences. Paris. JC Lattès
15. Klaus Schwab (2017). The fourth industrial revolution. Paris. Dunod.
16. Julien Hirth (2017). Data marketing. Paris. Eyrolles.
17. Philippe Kotler. (2017). Marketing 4.0. Belgium. From Boek Editions.
18. Stéphane Mallard (2018). DISRUPTION. Paris. Dunod.

B. Focused on digital sociology.

1) Castells M. (1998-1999). The information age. Paris. Fayard Editions
a. The networked society (Vol 1)
b. The Power of Identity (Vol 2)
c. End of the millennium (Vol 3)
2. Castells M. (2002). The Internet galaxy. Paris. Fayard Editions
3. Castells M. (2013). Communication and power. Paris. Maison des Sciences de l'Homme.

C. Web-centric

1. (French blog focused on digital marketing)
2. (excellent blog existing since 2013, very influential and whose articles are often relevant)
3. (Belgian blog, very well documented and often presenting interesting mapping)
4. (very well-documented French blog in the retail sector and e-commerce innovations)
5. (blog with a focus on new trends)
6. (excellent review of ICT trends)
7. (Avertising Age, a must in the digital world in English)

Other information :
- Slides and notes on Moodle (optional)
- Multimedia supports
- Analysis of thematic articles :
- References on the web: see bibliography