Saint-Louis University - Bruxelles

MHCG1241 - History of international relations


Credits : 5

Lecturer :
Mode of delivery :
Face-to-face , first term, 45 hours of theory.

Language of instruction :
French and english

Learning outcomes :
This course provides the knowledge and competences needed for the understanding og the history and of the analysis of international phenomena. More precisely, the course aims at making students: (i) gain knowledge of the main events, actors and stakes of international relations; (ii) understand the main concepts and theories used in international relations. At the end of the course, students will be able to associate each concept/theory to at least one concrete example; (iii) develop analytical skills and a critical mind with regards to the ideas produced by observers and practitioners on the international scene. At the end of the course, students will be able to discuss in detail the information contained in short publications dealing with international relations.

Prerequisites :

Co-requisites :

Course contents :
In the Bachelor program, this course insists on reasoning. Internationalists have been inspired by history and by former academic work to propose new analytical tools. The effort they have done, to constantly link theory to practice is at the core of this course, which presents the events, concepts and theories that shape the IR discipline.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods :
Each class starts with a common activity (role-playing, games, videos, etc.). It then exposes particular theories/concepts of international relations and gives concrete illustrations. After the break the reading associated to each class is presented in about 5 min. Like it is the case for other scientific disciplines, internationalists have improved their analytical tools progressively, following the evolution of particular historical events. Each class can be understood individually. Put together, all classes follow the evolution of the discipline. The course rests on three teaching methods: active learning during the introductory activities; lectures that are given by the professor; several readings associated to the classes.

Assessment methods and criteria :
The evaluation of the course is a written exam organised in three steps: (i) questions of definition; (ii) a MCQ (multiple-choice questionnaire); (iii) questions of reflection.

The written exam might be replaced by a written assessment to upload on the course platform, depending on the health situation.

Recommended or required reading :
(BU indicates the corresponding book is available at the library) :
ALLES Delphine, GROSSER Pierre, RAMEL Frédéric, Relations internationales, Paris, Armand Colin, 2018. (BU)
BALZACQ Thierry, RAMEL Frédéric Ramel (dir.), Traité de relations internationales, Paris, Presses de Sciences po, 2013. (BU)
BATTISTELLA Dario, PETITEVILLE Franck, SMOUTS Marie-Claude Smouts, VENNESSON Pascal, Dictionnaire des relations internationales, Paris, Dalloz, 3e éd., 2012. (BU)
BATTISTELLA Dario, Théories des relations internationales, Presses de Sciences Po, 2015 (5ème éd.). (BU)
BAYLIS John, OWENS Patricia, SMITH Steve Smith (dir.), The globalization of World politics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2017 (7ème ed.).
DEVIN Guillaume, Sociologie des relations internationales, Paris, La Découverte, 2013 (3ème éd.).
GUITTET Emmanuel-Pierre & R.B.J. WALKER (dir.), International Political Sociology, Transversal Lines, London & New York, Routledge. (BU)
MACLEOD Alex, DUFAULT Evelyne, DUFOUR Dufault, Frédérick Guillaume Dufour, Relations internationales. Théories et concepts, Outremont, Athéna éditions, 3e éd. 2008.
MOUGEL François-Charles, PACTEAU Séverine, Histoire des relations internationales de 1815 à nos jours, Paris, Puf, 2018, 14ème édition. (disponible à la BU).
TELO, M., Relations internationales : une perspective européenne, Bruxelles, Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 2008. (BU)
WEBER Cynthia, International relations theory: a critical introduction, (4ème éd.), Londres, Routledge, 2013. (BU)