Saint-Louis University - Bruxelles

LANG1124 - Medieval and modern Latin

Credits : 5

Lecturer :
Mode of delivery :
Face-to-face , second term, 30 hours of theory.

Timetable :
Second term
Wednesday from 08:30 to 10:30 at 43 Botanique 7

Language of instruction :

Learning outcomes :
Throughout this course students will be introduced to the story of the Latin language, from the Late Antiquity to the Modern period. They will be made aware of language variations according to time periods, places, and text types or literary genre. They will also be trained to translate and comment (from various points of view, grammatical, stylistic, literary, historical or cultural) Latin texts typical of various periods or text types. The course also aims to enable them to conduct an autonomous study of Latin medieval of modern texts and to use critically the existing translations and the scientific literature devoted to the studied text.

Prerequisites :

Co-requisites :

Course contents :
The students will first be introduced to a brief history of the Latin language. Thereafter the course will consist in reading, translating and commenting texts representative of the various orthographical and linguistic evolutions of Latin through the medieval and modern periods. In interaction with the students, the professor develops an original translation for each of the selected excerpts and proposes a commentary that focuses on the most remarkable aspects of the text from various points of view (linguistic, literary, historical and cultural).

The course will enable the student :
- to describe the main characteristic transformations representative of each stage of the evolution of the Latin language;
- to specify the linguistic and historical context of a text;
- to use critically essential tools (dictionaries, grammars and translations);
- to assess the relevance of existing translations or to propose original translations of texts;
- to identify characteristic linguistic features enabling to date a Latin text and then to formulate a date hypothesis;

Planned learning activities and teaching methods :
The course alternates between lecture and student participation (text translation and commentary, with the help of IT resources and documentation). The students are invited to prepare each week the translation of the texts that will be studied during the following course.
For the examination, the students must carry out personally a complete work of translation, grammatical analysis and commentary of a text chosen by the professor.

Assessment methods and criteria :
Oral examination on the translation as well as the historical, cultural, stylistic and literary commentary of:
1. two excerpts studied in class
2. one excerpt of the text prepared at home.

Recommended or required reading :
P. BOUET, D. CONSO et F. KERLOUEGAN, Initiation au système de la langue latine, Du latin classique aux langues romanes, avec des travaux pratiques et leurs corrigés, (Collection Fac. Langues anciennes), Paris, Nathan, 1975.

P. BOURGAIN et M.-C HUBERT, Le latin médiéval, (L'atelier du Médiéviste, 10), Turnhout, Brepols, 2005.

M. GOULLET et M. PARISSE, Apprendre le latin médiéval, Manuel pour grands commençants, 2e éd. revue et corrigée, Paris, Picard, 1999.
M. GOULLET et M. PARISSE, Traduire le latin médiéval, Manuel pour grands commençants, , Paris, Picard, 2003.
M. PARISSE, M. GOULLET et alii, Lexique latin-français : Antiquité et Moyen Age, Paris, Picard, 2006.

J. IJSEWIJN, Companion to Neo-Latin Studies, 2ème éd. revue et augmentée, 2 vol., Leuven, Leuven University Press, 1990 et 1998 (Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia, 5 et 14), avec la collaboration de D. SACRÉ pour le t. II.
t. 1 : History and diffusion of Neo-Latin literature
t. 2 : Literary, linguistic, philological and editorial questions

Other information :