Saint-Louis University - Bruxelles

ECGE1321 - Organisational studies

Credits : 5

Lecturer :
Mode of delivery :
Face-to-face , first term, 30 hours of theory.

Timetable :
First term
Tuesday from 08:30 to 10:30 at 119 Marais 2100

Language of instruction :

Learning outcomes :
The growing impact of organisations on our professional and private life's is a fundamental characteristic of our societies. Understand the behaviours (individuals and collectives) inside those organised groups is then a major issue that cannot be ignored in a Human Sciences training.

In this perspective, the first goal of this course is to understand the behaviour, sometime non rational on first sight of individuals toward organisations.

Several theories will be developed, each of them bringing a specific view to understand both individual and collective behaviours within the organizations. The second objective is to become familiar with those theories.

Prerequisites :
For the Bachelor in Information and Communication :

For the Bachelor in Business Engineering :
  or the courses :
  ESPO1162 - Political science
  or the courses :
  POLS1110 - Communication science

For the Bachelor in Economics and Management :

For the Bachelor in Political Sciences: General :

For the Bachelor in Sociology and Anthropology :

Co-requisites :

Course contents :
Content of the course

1. Introduction : organisation and human behaviour
2. The different approaches of organisations
2.1. Mechanistic approach
2.2. Organistic approach
2.3. Systemic approach
2.4. Structural approach
2.5. Psychosocial approach
2.6. Strategic approach
2.7. Cultural approach
3. Change management in organisations
3.1. Theories of changes
3.2. Planned management of changes
3.3. Management of the resistance to changes
3.4. Emerging changes, learning organisation et knowledge management
4. Individual approach of human behaviour in the organisations
4.1. Psychodynamic
4.2. Work suffering
5. Professional identity and recognition at work
5.1. Links between individual, professional and organisational identities
5.2. Processes of identity construction
5.3. The different forms of recognition at work

Planned learning activities and teaching methods :
The used in these courses is based on ex cathedra presentation highlighted by case studies.
The four last courses will be dedicated to case studies organised in teamwork with subgroups of students. During the four sessions the professor will meet each individual group of students for a follow up.

Assessment methods and criteria :
The evaluation will be performed in two steps:
The first one, the case studies in team work counts for five of the points.
The second consist in a written exam with 3 open questions covering the entire course, each of them counting for 5 points.

Recommended or required reading :
Amblard A., Bernoux Ph. , Herreros, G., Livian Y.-F.(1996). Les nouvelles approches sociologiques de l'organisation, Paris, Seuil.
Autissier, D., Moutot, J.M. (2010). Méthode de conduite du changement: diagnostic, accompagnement, pilotage. Paris, Dunod.
Bareil, C. (2004). La résistance au changement: synthèse et critique des écrits, Centre d'études en transformation des organisations, Cahier n° 04-10 - Août 2004.
Bonami, M., de Hennin, B., Boqué, J-M, Legrand J-J (1993). Management des systèmes complexes : pensée systémique et intervention dans les organisations. De Boeck Université, Bruxelles.
Collerette, P. et Schneider, R. (2004). Le pilotage du changement: une approche stratégique et pratique. Presses de l'Université du Québec.
Foudriat, M. (2007). Sociologie des organisations. Paris : Pearson Education
Hatch, M. J. (2000). Théorie des organisations : de l'intérêt de perspectives multiples. De Boeck Université, Bruxelles.
Johnson, G., Scholes, K., Whittington, R., Fréry, F. (2008). Stratégique. Pearson Education France.
Kets de Vries, M. (2002). Les mystères du leadership. Pearson Education France, Paris.
Morgan, G. (1999). Images de l'organisation. Québec : Presses de l'Université Laval.
Prax, J.Y (2012). Le manuel du knowledge management : mettre en réseau les hommes et les savoirs pour créer de la valeur. Dunod, Paris.

Other information :
Course support

Powerpoint presentations covering the entire course can be download from eSaintLouis.