Saint-Louis University - Bruxelles

DROI1272 - Special questions of economic law

Credits : 5

Lecturers :
Mode of delivery :
Face-to-face , second term, 30 hours of theory.

Timetable :
Second term
Wednesday from 15:45 to 17:45 at 119 Marais 1200

Language of instruction :
French, with readings in english and french.

Learning outcomes :
Application of an interdisciplinary approach, law and economics, to the analysis of contemporary digital markets. The student will be asked to rely on the tools of intellectual property law and industrial organization in order to understand and explain how digitization transforms markets for information.

Prerequisites :
For the Bachelor in Law :

For the Bachelor : Business Engineering :

For the Bachelor in Economics and Management :

Co-requisites :

Course contents :
The unifying theme of the course is the concept of “information good”. The course offers an analysis of digital markets for products (software, database,…) and services (social networks, digital platforms,…). It consists of three parts:
A: Introduction to Intellectual property from the point of view of Law and Economics
B: Protection of software through copyright and patents, open source models
C: Internet, social networks and collaborative platforms.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods :
Students are asked to read, prior to the sessions, the articles that are dedicated to the session (and mentioned as such in the reading list posted on the Moodle platform). For each session a group of students will be asked to i) prepare a synthesis of the readings, ii) initiate a reflection on the possible applications of the concepts and the key issues they raise, iii) organize a discussion with the rest of the group based on the theme of the session.

Assessment methods and criteria :
Evaluation is organized as follows
A: A written essay (individually, or jointly with a group of maximum 3 students). The essay must cover a specific question (that has to be approved by the teachers) with an interdisciplinary perspective that mixes law and economics. The size of the essay is between 5000 and 6000 words (multiplied by the number of students possibly belonging to the group). 80% of the grade
B: Students' participation and in particular the quality of their presentation and preparation of the class session they are responsible for. 20% of the grade. Students may also opt for a written, closed books, exam.

Recommended or required reading :
Basic references are the following ones (partly available on the moodle page of the course):
Economics perspective:
- F. Lévêque & Y. Menière, Economie de la propriété intellectuelle, La Découverte, 2003 ; la version anglaise The Economics of Patent and Copyright est sur le site du cours.
- J. Tirole, Défaillances de marchés et politiques publiques, Conférence Nobel, 2014 (sur )
- Chapitre introductif du livre de M. Boldrin et D. Levine, Against Intellectual Monopoly, Cambridge UP, 2008
Law perspective : :
- Propriété intellectuelle. Géopolitique et mondialisation, CNRS éd., 2013
- N. Binctin, Stratégie d'entreprise et propriété intellectuelle, LGDJ, 2015
- S. Dusollier et A. de Francquen, Manuel de droits intellectuels, Anthemis, 2015

Other information :
Key principles of Intellectual property law and industrial organization are recalled in the first two sessions.