Saint-Louis University - Bruxelles
CU : Course Unit
A : annual
Q1 : first term
Q2 : second term
i : cyclical course held in odd years
p : cyclical course organized in even years
* : course is given in English
** : course is given in Dutch

2015 - 2016 Programme

Bachelor in Law (Evening Programme)

Joint courses

Th.+Ex. Crédits/bloc
1 2 3
HDDR1122 Philosophy Odile Gilon 67,5h 8
HDDR1123 Moral philosophy Quentin Landenne 22,5h 3
HDDR1124 Psychology Mauricio Garcia 45h 5
HDPO1125 Sociology Abraham Franssen 45h 5
HDDR1121 History of institutions and law I (Middle Ages - Ancien Régime) Serge Dauchy 30h 5
HDDR1112 Sources and principles of law Daniel De Beer 67,5h 8
HDDR1111 Roman Foundations of Private Law Annette Ruelle 67,5h 8
HDDR1110 Constitutional Law I Isabelle Hachez 30h 5
HDDR1125 Principles and methods in Humanities and seminar in humanities Daniel De Beer, Aude Hendrick 15h+30h 6
HDDR1130 Seminar of Legal Methodology Thibaut Slingeneyer 15h 4
HDDR1213 Law of obligations Jean-François Germain, Pierre Jadoul 60h 7
HDDR1214 Criminal Law Christine Guillain 67,5h 8
HDDR1210 Constitutional Law + Exercises session with casus Mathias El Berhoumi 30h+4,5h 7
HDDR1211 Constitutional Law III: Public freedoms Isabelle Hachez 22,5h 3
HDDR1215 Criminal Law procedure + Exercises session with casus Damien Vandermeersch 22,5h+4,5h 6
HDDR1216 Critical Introduction to Contemporary Legal Thought Philippe Gérard 30h 4
DROI1218A Property Law Nicolas Bernard 30h 4
HDDR1220 History of institutions and law II (Contemporary period) Jean-Luc Soete 30h 4
HDDR1221 History of Private Law Robert Jacob 22,5h 3
HDPO1122 Economics Axel Gautier 45h+15h 7
HDDR1312 Contract law and civil liability law + Exercises session with casus Catherine Delforge 45h+7,5h 8
HDDR1314 Personnal, family and matrimonial agreement law + Exercise sessions with casus Jean-Louis Renchon, Jehanne Sosson 60h+7,5h 9
HDDR1317 Natural Law Philippe Gérard, François Ost 22,5h 4
DROI1318A Labour law Pierre-Paul Van Gehuchten 30h 4
HDDR1313 Foundations of EU Law Antoine Bailleux 45h 5
HDDR1311 General Commercial Law Catherine Delforge, Thierry Léonard, Christophe Verdure 45h 6
HDDR1316 Procedure law Marie-Amélie Delvaux 45h 6
HDDR1310 Administrative law Pierre-Olivier de Broux, Bruno Lombaert, François Tulkens 60h 7
HDDR1330 Seminar of theory of law Christophe Mincke 15h 5
DROI1261 Intellectual Property Law Alain Strowel 30h 3


The choice of languange in 1st year determine the course of Foreign legal language in 2nd year

English language

Learning of the language

HDDR1140 Everyday English Ludovic Joubert 30h 3

HDDR1241 Foreign legal terminologies : Legal English and reading of Dutch legal texts Sarah Baikry, François van der Mensbrugghe 75h 7

Dutch language

Learning of the language

HDDR1150 Everyday Dutch Luc De Pauw 30h 3

HDDR1251 Foreign legal terminologies : Legal Dutch and reading of English legal texts Benoît Dejemeppe, Catarina Deraedt, Paul Dhaeyer 7

Optional Courses

Students must take one of the following four optional courses

HDPO1110 Political science Olivier Paye 22,5h 3
HDDR1360 Introduction to comparative law Sophie Weerts 30h 3
HDDR1361 Justice and Politics Xavier Delgrange 22,5h 3
HDPO1315 EU Politics  * Jean-Louis De Brouwer 30h 3

Joint courses

Th.+Ex. Crédits
HDDR1122 Philosophy Odile Gilon A 67,5h 8
HDDR1123 Moral philosophy Quentin Landenne Q2 22,5h 3
HDDR1124 Psychology Mauricio Garcia Q1 45h 5
HDPO1125 Sociology Abraham Franssen A 45h 5
HDDR1121 History of institutions and law I (Middle Ages - Ancien Régime) Serge Dauchy Q1 30h 5
HDDR1112 Sources and principles of law Daniel De Beer Q1 67,5h 8
HDDR1111 Roman Foundations of Private Law Annette Ruelle Q2 67,5h 8
HDDR1110 Constitutional Law I Isabelle Hachez Q2 30h 5
HDDR1125 Principles and methods in Humanities and seminar in humanities Daniel De Beer, Aude Hendrick A 15h+30h 6
HDDR1130 Seminar of Legal Methodology Thibaut Slingeneyer A 15h 4


The choice of languange in 1st year determine the course of Foreign legal language in 2nd year

English language

Learning of the language

HDDR1140 Everyday English Ludovic Joubert A 30h 3

Dutch language

Learning of the language

HDDR1150 Everyday Dutch Luc De Pauw A 30h 3