Saint-Louis University - Bruxelles

GERM1110 - Dutch: Analysis and Explanation of Literary Texts I a

Credits : 3

Lecturer :
Mode of delivery :
Face-to-face , first and second term, 30 hours of theory.

Timetable :
First term
Thursday from 09:00 to 11:00 at 109 Marais 610
Second term
Thursday from 16:00 to 18:00 at 109 Marais 611

Language of instruction :
The course is taught in German. During the 1st term, specific explanations will be given in French for the beginner level students.

Learning outcomes :
The aims are to:
- give the students the opportunity to discover a wide range of authors and texts from different literary genres;
- broaden and stimulate the reading interests;
- contextualise and study, through text analysis, general historical knowledge (periodisation, main aesthetic options, etc.) applicable to literary history;
- develop the scientific analysis of German literature through different methods of explaining texts, such as the theory of literary genres;
- achieve intermediate level reading skills; the course aims to develop an elementary ability for critical reading and analysis of dramatic and poetic literary texts in German.

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
- decipher and understand in detail a short narrative text in German (Kurzgeschichte, Novelle, Märchen)
- implement the suitable working tools for a scientifically based reading of texts
- elaborate and develop, following an appropriate method, an analytical and well-argued (oral and written) commentary of short narrative texts
- detect the different effects of the studied texts in terms of genre theory, in this case of the short story, Kurzgeschichte and fairytale theory.

Prerequisites :

Co-requisites :

Course contents :
Initiation to the reading of major authors (for instance Kleist, F. Kafka, Th. Mann, W. Borchert, H. Böll) and to the analysis of narrative dramatic and poetic texts of the German literature of the 19th, 20th (maybe 21st) centuries, considering the aesthetical currents in which they occur; presentation of theoretical approaches to explain narrative texts selected for exercise sessions; initiation to genre studies and their theoretical orientations in the German literary field, based on theoretical texts. Initiation to genre studies and their theoretical orientations in the German literary field, taking as starting point the short text, Kurzgeschichte and fairytale theory.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods :
- commented and detailed reading of a number of narrative texts, taking into account the lexical and grammatical difficulties
- the students are progressively encouraged to prepare the texts and to use the appropriate working tools; they will also be asked to read the critical commentaries of the texts to be prepared
- accompanied reading and elaboration, with the help of the professor, of detailed analyses of German narrative texts in prose; individual and in-group practical exercises wherein the students appropriate the work, experiment the potentialities of the text, compare and evaluate the proposed reading approaches and question their scientific validity
- oral and written presentation

Assessment methods and criteria :
In accordance with to the objectives set out above, the assessment includes:
- a formative assessment: the participation of the students as well as their productions (oral presentations, written works) will continuously be assessed in order to measure their progress;
- a final assessment (examination) at the end of the year on a text studied in class and a personal work (text which has not been studied in class) that the students have to prepare on their own.

Recommended or required reading :
First term:
Siegfried Schödel: Märchenanalysen. Stuttgart: reclam 1977. (= Texte und Materialien für den Unterricht). (4.80 Euro). (à acheter par les étudiants)
Gebrüder Grimm: Kinder- und Hausmärchen: Die handschriftliche Urfassung von 1810 [Taschenbuch] (4.00 Euro)
Heinz Rölleke: Die Märchen der Gebrüder Grimm. Eine Einführung. Reclam 2004(2).

Second term:
Wolfgang Borchert: Draußen vor der Tür: und ausgewählte Erzählungen von Wolfgang Borchert. Berlin: rowohlt (1. Auflage 1956) (6.99 Euro)
Klassische deutsche Kurzgeschichten. Hg. v. Werner Bellmann. Stuttgart: reclam 2003.
Klassische deutsche Kurzgeschichten. Interpretationen. Hg. v. Werner Bellmann. Stuttgart: reclam 2010 (2).

Other information :
Reading portfolio, film extracts, audio and video recordings.