Saint-Louis University - Bruxelles

2014 - 2015 Programme

Key learning outcomes

This is an academic programme of academic excellence and multidisciplinary. It integrates the economic, legal, political and historical dimensions and provides the knowledge and analytical tools necessary to understand and evaluate the process of European integration. The master prepares students for professions that have a European dimension in the fields of public administration - national, European, regional and local - the representation of interests, consultancy and research. It also enables professional integration in the economic and social activity sectors where European expertise is required.

By the end of his training in European Studies, the student will have developed the following skills:

  • use general or specialised knowledge of issues, policies and institutional functioning of the European Union to serve a critical analysis;
  • develop a multidisciplinary approach to the challenges of European integration;
  • share his expertise on the functioning of the European institutions with national political bodies;
  • represent the interests of civil society with the European institutions;
  • manage European issues;
  • use knowledge of the external action of the European Union and international stakes to develop relations with third countries.