Saint-Louis University - Bruxelles

2021 - 2022 Programme

Group Project

The multidisciplinary workshop extends over the whole of the 3rd standardised annual block and is worth 5 credits. 

The aim of this device is to confront the final-year student with problem situations in the face of which he/she must implement an operational approach that mobilises the knowledge acquired from the training he/she has received up to that point.

The basic material consists of documentary research and information gathering (interviews, observations, etc.) carried out by the students in small groups. The final production is a scientific analysis of a question that arises in society, intended for a specific target audience, real or potential, for whom this analysis should constitute a resource. It can take different forms (analysis note, press kit, etc.) and is generally the subject of a computer-assisted presentation, followed by a discussion with a jury of specialists or with the actors concerned, gathered together for the occasion.

Each year, the themes are reviewed in the light of current events and ongoing or future research projects within the research units most directly linked to the POLS programmes (CReSPO, CESIR, ENGAGE).