Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles

INGE1332 - Business Information Systems

En raison de la crise du COVID-19, les informations ci-dessous sont susceptibles d'être modifiées, notamment celles qui concernent la méthode d'enseignement ou d'évaluation.

Crédits : 6

Professeur :

Mode d'enseignement :
Premier quadrimestre, 52 heures de théorie.

Langues d'enseignement :

Objectifs d'apprentissage :
Upon completion of this course, the student:

• can read, understand and create BPMN process models,

• knows the key steps of the business process management cycle and is able to apply fundamental BPM principles to examples,

• can read, understand and create ER, EER, and relational information models,

• can query relational databases with SQL,

• can explain the role of information systems for decision support as well as how business intelligence systems can be designed and used,

• understands the difference between predictive and descriptive data mining and understands how basic analytics techniques work, understands different aspects, technologies, and business models in an e-business context.

• knows and is able to apply basic programming techniques (in Python).

Prérequis :
Corequis :

Contenu de l'activité :
1. Fundamentals of Business process management: the BPM cycle, typology of Business Processes, essentials of Business process modelling, BPMN, business rules and ontologies

2. Data management: (E)ER modelling, relational modelling, SQL

3. Business Intelligence and Data Analytics: Business Intelligence, predictive analytics, descriptive analytics

4. Basic techniques of programming

Activités d'apprentissages prévues et méthodes d'enseignement :
The purpose of the lectures is to explain the learning content and illustrate it through demonstrations and examples of business information systems.

Méthodes d'évaluation :
Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Practical exam
Type of questions : Closed questions, Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Computer, None

Features of the evaluation:
• The (written) exam consists of open and multiple choice questions.
• In case of an individual move of an examination, the form of the examination may differ from this form.

Determination of final grades:
• The result is calculated and communicated as a number on a scale of 20.
• A correction for guessing is applied for multiple choice questions
The evaluation methods during the first and second exam opportunities are identical.

Bibliographie :
Pas de bibliographie recommandée