Saint-Louis University - Bruxelles

SIHDA 2022


Ius et Religio, Droit, religions anciennes et


christianisme dans l'Antiquité




Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles | from September 13 to 16, 2022


Information relating to the communications presented by the participants:


You can announce a conference on the online registration form as soon as you register and attach the abstract afterwards ;

The deadline for abstract submission is July 10, 2022 (GMT). You will no longer be able to submit an abstract past this date !

The abstract must contain a maximum of 250 words ;

It will be sent to the following address : ;

Only communications for which speakers have paid their registration fee and provided their abstract by July 10 will be included in the official program ; French is the usual language of the congress, but the conferences can also be given in Latin, English, German, Italian, and Spanish ;

A certificate of participation will be made available to participants.



*Denier de César, 49 av. J.-C. : Les instruments pontificaux RRC 443/1 [revers]


UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles | Boulevard du Jardin botanique, 43 | 1000 Bruxelles | Belgique | Tél : +32 2 211 78 11 | | N° d'entreprise : TVA BE 0419 052 272