Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles

INGE1133 - Mathematics for Business Engineers I

KU Leuven Campus Brussel

Crédits : 6

Professeur :

Mode d'enseignement :
Premier quadrimestre, 52 heures de théorie et 26 heures d'exercices.

Langues d'enseignement :

Objectifs d'apprentissage :
After attending this course:
- the student is familiar with the concepts, insights, results and techniques of real analysis (one variable and an introduction to multiple variables) and basic linear algebra. Using this knowledge, he/she is capable of quantitatively formulating, examining and understanding simplified economical and business oriented problems,
- the student has gained a part of the knowledge needed to successfully follow the optimization and statistical courses and technology courses in the business engineering program,
- the student has practiced formulating and arguing in a correct and accurate way.

Prérequis :

Corequis :

Contenu de l'activité :
1. Building blocks
• Number sets
• Functions of one and multiple variables: definitions, graphical representations
• Sequences
2. Analysis 1
• Linear functions from Rn to Rm
• Limits of sequences
• Limits and continuity of functions
• Derivatives (and partial derivatives) of univariate and multivariate functions
• Taylor expansions
• Unbounded optimization problems for univariate and multivariate functions
• Numerical aspects
• Economical applications
3. Basic linear algebra
• Linear systems
• Matrix calculus
• Determinants

Activités d'apprentissages prévues et méthodes d'enseignement :
Cours magistral et séances d'exercices

Méthodes d'évaluation :
Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator

The course is assessed by the teacher(s), as announced via Toledo and the examination schedule. The result is calculated and expressed as a whole number with a maximum of 20.

Exam features
- Written examination (type "closed book") with open questions (weight 75%) and multiple-choice questions (weight 25%). The mathematics formula sheet present in the course notes can be used. The use of a simple (non-graphical and non-programmable) calculator is permitted.
- In case of catch-up exams, the exam type may differ from the regular exam type (e.g., only open questions, oral examination, ...)

Bibliographie :
Pas de bibliographie recommandée