Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles

HDPO1315 - EU politics


Crédits : 5

Professeur :
Mode d'enseignement :
Deuxième quadrimestre, 30 heures de théorie.

Horaire :
Second quadrimestre
le mardi de 17:15 à 19:15 au 119 Marais 1100

Langues d'enseignement :

Objectifs d'apprentissage :
At the end of the course, students will have:
- been presented with a general overview of the history of the European project
- acquired a basic knowledge of the peculiar political system that is the European Union
- had informed debates regarding the long-standing issue of the democratic deficit of the European Union

Prérequis :
Pour le programme de Bachelier en droit :

Pour le programme de Bachelier en histoire :

Pour le programme de Bachelier en information et communication :
  ou les unités d'enseignement suivantes :
  ESPO1162 - Science politique

Pour le programme de Bachelier en langues et lettres françaises et romanes, orientation générale :

Pour le programme de Bachelier en langues et lettres modernes, orientation germaniques :

Pour le programme de Bachelier en sciences politiques, orientation générale :
  ou les unités d'enseignement suivantes :
  ESPO1162 - Science politique

Pour le programme de Bachelier en sciences politiques, orientation générale (horaire décalé) :

Pour le programme de Bachelier en sociologie et anthropologie :
  ou les unités d'enseignement suivantes :
  POLS1121 - Histoire du temps présent

Corequis :
Contenu de l'activité :
The lectures will proceed in three stages. To begin with, we will make the point that the political institutions constitutive of the European Union are integrated enough to be considered an actual political system. Accordingly, the European Union can be studied as such, which we will be doing for several lectures, putting the emphasis on the fact that the EU is a quite unique political system that deserves to be approached as a sui generis case. We will highlight the institutionalized relationships between its main actors and attempt to paint at great brushstrokes its inner institutional logic.

Second, we will be looking backwards in time, at the history of the European project to explain how we arrived at such an institutional outcome. We will show that the European Union was not built in a day and that many of its quirks result from hard-fought negotiation processes and compromises opposing conflicting views of the European integration project.

Eventually, we will ask ourselves how the issue of the democratic deficit of the EU, identified by European analysts since the 1970s, has been tackled since then and how its approach could decisively shape the future of EU politics.

Activités d'apprentissages prévues et méthodes d'enseignement :
Lectures, with some additional compulsory readings on the ‘democratic deficit' of the EU.

Méthodes d'évaluation :
Three-hours long written exam consisting of two open-ended questions focused on topics covered during the lectures and one additional question on the compulsory readings.

Bibliographie :
VAN MIDDELAAR (Luuk), Alarums & Excursions: Improvising Politics on the European Stage, Newcastle, Agenda Publishing, 2019.