Saint-Louis University - Bruxelles

MHLS1241 - Sign Language : Grammar in Practice II and Translation A-C

Credits : 5

Lecturers :
Mode of delivery :
Face-to-face , second term, 30 hours of exercises.

Language of instruction :
Sign Language

Learning outcomes :
At the end of the Grammar course students should be able to demonstrate their ability to:
- Recognise the basic grammatical mechanisms of LSFB in any type of text/discourse;
- Use these mechanisms in oral discourse.

On completing this Unit in Translation into C (French into LSFB, 15 hours), students should be able to:
- Translate a simple text in the source language (French) into the target language (LSFB) and respect grammatical, lexical, syntactic, phraseological
- Use LSFB specific structures (transfer structures) and paraphrasing to resolve difficulties in the source text.

Prerequisites :

Co-requisites :

Course contents :
Each class focuses on a specific grammar topic. Following a presentation of theoretical aspects, students participate in practical exercises.
In addition to further study of the grammar topics covered in the first year, the course covers:
- buoys,
- complex transfer structures (scale alternation, scale simultaneity);
- The use of eye gaze in LSFB.
Grammatical themes may not necessarily be covered in the order shown above.

For the translation course part :
Translation exercises of increasing difficulty and with a particular focus on selected difficulties that face translators translating from French into LSFB, that is, transferring meaning from a written language into a visual language (in 3D).

Planned learning activities and teaching methods :
Exercises (pratice sessions in lab, guided work)
Personal progress monitoring

Assessment methods and criteria :
- Continuous assessment (attendance, homework) taken into account for the final grade
- Final assessment : video test and open questions (theory)

Translation A to C :
-Continuous assessment takes place during the semester
- Written assessment involving translating/commenting a text in French into LSFB (Translation into C)

Attendance is compulsory and unjustified absence for more than 1/3 of the classes or non-submission of required homework or presentation without any justification will mean no registration to the final exam. The student keeps the possibility to present his exam in August.

Recommended or required reading :
- CUXAC C, La langue des signes française : les voies de l'iconicité, Paris: Ophrys, 2000
- LSFB asbl, Grammaire de LSFB (DVD), 2014
- MEURANT L, Le regard en langue des signes : anaphore en langue des signes française de Belgique (LSFB) : morphologie, syntaxe, énonciation, Namur: Presses Universitaires de Namur, 2008
- Sourds, surdité, langue(s) des signes et épistémologie des sciences du langage. Problématiques de la scripturalisation et modélisation des bas niveaux en langue des signes française (LSF)- Université de Paris 8—Saint-Denis École Doctorale n° 224 « Cognition, Langage, Interaction » U.F.R. de Sciences du Langage - Brigitte Garcia - 2010
- GACHE P, Traduction français écrit - langue des signes vidéos, 2005
- FRANCOIS D, HULIN I, JAMART M-T, Du signe à la plume, Presses universitaires de Namur, Presses universitaires Saint-Louis, Namur, 2017
- Sites :;