Saint-Louis University - Bruxelles

MHES1121 - Spanish: Mastering Spoken Spanish

Credits : 5

Lecturers :
Mode of delivery :
Face-to-face , first and second term, 60 hours of exercises.

Language of instruction :

Learning activities :
MHES1121A - [1 Q. • 30 Ex. • Pond. : 30] Frédérique Christiaens
MHES1121B - [2 Q. • 30 Ex. • Pond. : 70] Carlos Muñoz Mendoza, Julie Schwarz

Learning outcomes :
On completing the Course Unit Mastering Spoken Spanish students should be able to:
• Recognise and analyse native oral messages in language B (dialogues, documentaries) in their multiple forms of expression (registers, accents and geographic variation).
• Reformulate these messages in language B using analytical skills and correctly applying the rules of grammar and phonetics in context (moods, tenses, vocabulary, numbers) with correct intonation and rhythm, according to the Castilian norm (University standard).
• Maintain a general conversation in Spanish on a topic studied during the course.

Prerequisites :

Co-requisites :

Course contents :
• Practising phonetics, including accent, intonation and rhythm.
• Developing the ‘macro-skill' of "speaking".
•Consolidation of basic language structures, using key basic everyday vocabulary (home life, city life, transports, etc.), and grammar skills needed to develop oral communication skills. By the end of the course students have a sound grasp of the main language functions as set out in the ‘European Reference Framework For Languages' (level A - Speaking & Comprehension).
• Topics covered: communication for everyday situations.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods :
• Pair work or work in small groups based on interactive (question & answer, dialogues, debates, role play, conversations, interviews, games, etc.) or non-interactive tasks (presentations, monologues).
• Integrated listening comprehension and oral expression exercises following a range of specific formats (question & answer, oral summarising, reconstitutions, variations) through exploiting spoken language material (audio-visual materials).
• Interactive teaching that encourages self-correction.
• Fast reading aloud of Spanish sub-titles on Spanish-language videos.

The type of activity may vary depending the group's level (beginners, intermediate or advanced).

Assessment methods and criteria :
• Formative assessment is used throughout the Course.
• Module 1: Summative assessment takes place at the end of term and an oral assessment; the format of the assessment may vary depending on the level of the groups involved (beginner, intermediary, advanced).
• Module 2: Summative assessment during the course of the module (based on an oral presentation and integrated summative assessment at the end of term.

The format of the assessment may vary depending on the level of the groups involved (beginner, intermediary, advanced).
Q1 is worth 30% and Q2 is worth 70%.

Recommended or required reading :
• Método Curso de español para extranjeros (con CD's), Niveles Inicial e Intermedio, V. Borobo y R. Palencia, SM, Madrid, 2004
• Audionovelas Serie Lola Lago, detective, (libro y CD's, varios niveles), Lourdes Miquel y Neus Sans, Difusión, Barcelona, 2003
• Método Es Español (con CD's, tres niveles) Espasa Calpe, Madrid, 2000.
• Revista Vocable Espagnol (con CD y grabaciones de artículos escogidos de diferentes niveles de dificultad, quincenal.
• Audio-magazine, Punto y Coma (con CD), bimensual
• Comprensión oral (nivel A1-A2), Belén Arias García, Colección Practica, en CLAVE-ELE/CLE Internacional, 2007
• Comprensión oral (nivel A2-B1), Belén Arias García, Colección Practica, en CLAVE-ELE/CLE Internacional, 2005
• Escucha y aprende, María Rodríguez, SGEL, 2003
• Como suena, nivel básico, Lourdes Miquel y Neus Sans, Difusión, 1996
• Como suena, nivel intermedio, Lourdes Miquel y Neus Sans, Difusión, 1996
• Las cuatros destrezas, Nuria Sánchez Quintana y David Clark, Madrid SM, DL, 1995
• A la escucha, Madrid Sm, 1992
• Audionovelas Serie Lola Lago, detective, (libro y CD's, varios niveles), Lourdes Miquel y Neus Sans, Difusión, Barcelona, 2003
• Método Es Español (con CD's, tres niveles) Espasa Calpe, Madrid, 2000
• Serie televisiva: Los misterios de Laura

Other information :
Further documents and information are available from the distance learning platform.